ACPHS In The News


Lauren Hom和Zachary Lanoue获得军事挑战硬币
January 30, 2023

药学博士生Zachary Lanoue和Lauren Hom发现自己所处的情况听起来像是教室里的虚构场景, an instructional tale about professionalism, where the professor might ask, “What would you do?”

Make no mistake: it was real. 学生们表现得如此熟练,他们因在紧急情况下的快速思维而获得了一枚军事挑战硬币的荣誉, 防止了失误,确保了病人的安全.

11月,在意大利阿维亚诺空军基地举行的铸币仪式上,奥巴马中将. Col. Emily Dietrich (pictured above, (左图)称赞两人“沉浸在游戏中,愿意接受我们提供给你的任何体验. 我们不仅亲眼目睹并从中吸取教训,还负责病人的安全.

“We take patient safety extremely seriously.”

Quick thinking protects a patient   

Lanoue和Hom在空军基地的ACPHS轮岗, 一位被野猫咬伤抓伤的病人来到医院. She was at risk of rabies and other infections. 医疗规程要求立即注射狂犬病疫苗和狂犬病免疫球蛋白, 这两者都有助于预防感染的发生,即使在接触后, at the bite site. 但在这个病例中,咬伤部位很小,靠近病人无名指的指关节. There was no way the entire, required 8.可在此处注射2毫升剂量并吸收.

因此,医务人员想出了一个计划,将所需剂量分配到四个不同的肌肉部位——每条大腿各一个, and two in the gluteus muscles – for proper absorption.

But that plan didn’t sit right with Lanoue. 几个月前,他曾在急诊室轮岗, where he’d seen more than a few rabies cases. 把疫苗注射到臀部似乎有些不对劲. 当他和洪从病人身边走到走廊时,他打开了手机.

“此时,我们都站在走廊里围成一圈,” Hom said, “and Zach nudges me, and he says, ‘I don't know if we can give it in her glutes.’”

Lanoue在一个医疗服务提供商的应用程序上发现,由于潜在的吸收不良和坐骨痛的可能性,不应该在臀肌注射狂犬病疫苗. Lanoue said he was nervous to speak up.

“I was like, I don't want to overstep,” Lanoue said.


Lanoue shared what he had seen. Air Force base medical staff were grateful. 他们发现他们可以在每条大腿上注射多达4毫升的药物.

这一措施似乎很有效,因为病人确实避免了狂犬病. Nonetheless, she developed another infection, 而她服用的药丸形式的抗生素也不起作用. 军队医务人员要求将她送到当地医院. In Italy, the availability of antibiotics is limited, 该医院表示,只有在军事基地开始对她进行不同的抗生素治疗后,她才能被转移. 拉努和洪的任务是研究给她什么, and recommended vancomycin and ertapenem.

“What we chose completely resolved her infection, and her finger was completely fine, and she didn't need any surgery intervention, 大约一周后,我们发现病人在接受抗生素治疗后完全康复了,” Hom said. “We were so relieved we couldn't believe it.

拉努埃和洪的上司对他们的行为印象深刻. 就在学生们离开意大利的前几天, 他们出人意料地赠送了一枚挑战硬币, a military tradition that rewards excellence.

Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience


意大利的轮转目前是药学专业学生所需的高级药学实践经验(APPE)的少数国际选择之一. Program options were more robust before the COVID-19 pandemic; with restrictions eased, 国际轮换选项将很快增加, said Courtney Tackes, assistant dean for experiential education.

出国轮岗的选择是洪决定在ACPHS注册的一个原因, she said, 自从她进入学校以来,她一直期待着国际轮转.  Lanoue对轮换很感兴趣,因为有机会体验在另一个国家的工作,也有机会在军事基地工作.  

阿维亚诺镇坐落在意大利东北部风景如画的白云石山脉脚下, approximately a 90-minute train trip from Venice. Lanoue和home住在一个叫Fabio的人的爱彼迎公寓里, situated right in the piazza (town square), where open-air produce and antiques markets were held. They interacted with townspeople, 适应诸如早餐吃糕点和浓缩咖啡等日常传统. (当他们想吃熟悉的食物时,基地里有一家赛百味三明治店.) They walked everywhere, including to work. 镇上的人都很熟悉来自基地的美国人,到处都说英语.

From a professional perspective, 军事基地让拉努和洪有机会承担比在其他地方更多的责任, they said. Pharmacy personnel also had military duties; when the military duties became the priority, 拉努埃和洪有机会暂时担任更有权威的职位.



“我是一个团队的一员,对病人产生了真正的影响,”她说. “我觉得我们在那里所做的工作得到了充分的赞赏, and I felt like we were making differences for people."


Learn more about experiential education at ACPHS.